Our Practice in Sacramento

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Customized Eye Care for You

At Capitol Optometry, we focus on patient-centric eye care to help you meet your unique eye health needs. Our knowledgeable doctors and opticians can customize visual solutions to help maximize how you experience your life through vision. 

We’re dedicated to helping you reach your eye care goals with compassion, transparency, and innovation.

When you visit our practice, park in either the City Hall Parking Garage or the Capital Parking Garage. Please keep your recipes, as we validate parking for these 2 parking garages.

Visit us today and let us know how we can help your vision.

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Meet Our Team


Dr. Nichole R. Moos



Dr. Monica Rodriguez-Bayes



Dr. Spencer Fairgrieve




Office Manager & Licensed Optician



Lead Optician






Optometric Assistant

Innovative Technology

Where technology meets personalized care–at Capital Optometry, we’re dedicated to staying up to date on eye care advancements to provide you with quality care.

From optomap retinal imaging and LASIK consultations to intense pulsed light therapy (IPL), we can recommend treatments to address your vision concerns. 

Schedule an appointment to meet our team today.

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Visit Our Locations


Conveniently located in downtown Sacramento, we validate parking for 1.5 hours at all city lots. The City Hall Garage and Capitol Garage are nearby. 

  • 1009 12th St.
  • Sacramento, CA 95814

Curtis Park

We are located in Curtis Park inside the Amalia building, right next to Cafe Dantorels.

  • 2742 24 St.
  • Sacramento, CA 95818

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