Dry Eye Therapy in Sacramento

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Find Relief from Dry Eyes

Do your eyes ever feel like they’re on fire? If so, you might be experiencing dry eye disease. Dry eye can occur when your eyes don’t produce enough lubrication or when your tears evaporate too quickly.

At Capitol Optometry, we offer personalized eye exams to determine the cause of your dry eyes and recommend treatment options.

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What’s Causing My Dry Eyes?

Dry eye is a common condition and can include symptoms like redness, stinging, and blurred vision.

One of the most common causes of dry eye, meibomian gland dysfunction, can occur when the glands that produce oil for your tears become clogged or damaged. 

Factors like dry and windy weather, hormonal changes, medications, medical conditions, and genetics can all contribute to dry eyes.

Our Dry Eye Treatments

We offer a range of treatment options to address your individual dry eye needs.

For a limited time, receive $500 OFF your dry eye package when you book in for our OptiLight treatment package.

Intense Pulsed Light

Intense pulsed light (IPL) uses light therapy to target the underlying causes of dry eyes, including inflammation and meibomian gland dysfunction.

IPL works by using a handheld device to deliver pulses of intense light energy to the area around your eyes, encouraging oil production and improving tear film quality.

Meibomian gland expression is a noninvasive procedure that targets meibomian gland dysfunction.

During the procedure, your optometrist uses a specialized device to apply gentle pressure to your eyelids, massaging and squeezing the meibomian glands to help clear blockages.

Eyelid cleansers are gentle and effective products designed to remove debris, bacteria, and excess oil from your eyelids, improving tear film quality and reducing the inflammation that can cause dry eyes.

Incorporating eyelid cleansers and sprays into your daily routine can help reduce the frequency and severity of your dry eye symptoms.

Take Our Complimentary Dry Eye Quiz

We Care About Your Eyes

Don’t let dry eyes get in the way of your daily life. We’re here to provide effective and personalized solutions to help you find relief from your dry eye symptoms. 

If you’re struggling with dry eyes, don’t wait—book an appointment with us today and get the relief you deserve.

Visit Our Locations


Conveniently located in downtown Sacramento, we validate parking for 1.5 hours at all city lots. The City Hall Garage and Capitol Garage are nearby. 

  • 1009 12th St.
  • Sacramento, CA 95814

Curtis Park

We are located in Curtis Park inside the Amalia building, right next to Qisa Coffee.

  • 2742 24 St.
  • Sacramento, CA 95818

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